The 3D printed collection is produced entirely by Götti in its own design house factory. From the initial idea and design, 3-D programming and additive production, to dyeing and final assembly – every step is carried out with great care and experience on site. Using modern and sustainable manufacturing, an extremely comfortable pair of glasses is created in typical Götti design style: innovative, condensed, well thought out.
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Production – It all starts with the design of the shape. A computer forms the design into a complete frame, and transforms it into a printable model. The dedicated and sustainable production is done using the most modern additive production methods . The basic material is polyamide fed as a fine powder into the SLS printer which then builds up the shape layer by layer with a laser beam. Numerous surface treatments are then needed to finish the single frame components. During the final dyeing process the specially created color penetrates into the originally white material and creates a uniform and durable coloration.